
Hi. I am Alexander Barrentine.

In March 2021, I took a flyer and bought an art tablet to experiment with drawing after about 30 years away from the page. I re-discovered a passion for art I had forgotten about since my teens. Since then I’ve been learning and honing my art skills. I made this website to showcase the products of that journey.

In my day job, I am a programmer for Nethrrealm Studios, makers of the Mortal Kombat games. My focus is on systems software — the script system, memory management, load times, performance.

I don’t go by the usual shortened name. Please call me Alexander.

Some of the content here will be technical in nature. Most will be art. Some will be adult.

If you wish to contact me, I can be reached by email or on Instagram. If you are interested in commissioning work or just want to support me, look me up on Ko-fi.